Wednesday, July 9, 2008

quick update

Oh my goodness... I can't believe it has been that long since I posted! In the meantime, I made a little trip down to Arlington Wa and had another 2cc added to my band. It has been good, at least for the first week... I am really working hard at finding the right foods to eat.

I read constantly about people "cheating" but as I posted earlier, a diet is a way of life. If one chooses to put the wrong thing in their mouth, that is their choice. Diets can be adjusted base on the day/week/exercise, etc. I will not judge as I too have done what I consider a "cheat", eating something that is not healthy or high in calories, in a moment of weakness, put something in my mouth only to regret it moments later. I can only make my choices and live with them. Working on making Healthy choices now. I am not testing my band to see how much I can eat, but really working on testing to see how little I can get away with. This was one of Dr. Ortiz's points in his message here. My MD was really impressed with that and said to keep it in mind all the time.

I have 6 kids and a very active husband. My oldest 2 have moved out and the other 4 are still at home, wanting food on a very regular basis. They are all boys and are into football, rugby, skiing/snowboarding so they are also very active. Their high calorie diets are necessary for them to survive. We are working on high caloric, healthy eating so that they won't have the same issue as I do.

I mentioned my fill. I have lost 5 lbs since the fill and even though I haven't lost more this past week, I am still losing inches. I have taken up beach volleyball on Friday nights on my kid's team, and loving it! and have started golfing with my daughter, sister or mom depending on who has a day off at the same time. In order to burn extra calories, I carry my bag (humungous with wayyyyy too many clubs in it) I am also either walking 5 km or going to the gym for 2 hours, 3 days a week. So, while the scale is not dropping majorly right now, I am finding my clothes falling off.

I never thought I would say that! It is such a good feeling. My journey started at a size 22 and now I am comfortably wearing a size 18, almost ready to take a step down to 16... will wait until they fit good, not tight.

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